Wednesday, February 20

I Guess the World Didn't Stop For My Broken Heart

Alone with my thoughts
Pondering our goodbye
One embrace
A long gaze
A few words in hushed tones
Do not cry, you tell yourself.
Walk away
Look back once more
But you’re gone.

Tears flow freely
The soft rain mingles with them
How fitting
Heaven is crying with you
Feeling your pain
This is not farewell
We will meet again
But it feels like forever
Until then, I’ll hold it in
And cry when I am
Alone with my thoughts.

Saturday, February 9

Life Changing Moments

Last night was the scariest and most wonderful night of my life, second only to Madeleine's birth. I knew the twins would be early, but I never anticipated going into labor in the middle of The Broken Piano. Eric was a state and Esna walked right into it all. Both got me home safe and the boys arrived at around three in the morning.

Heavens help me. They look so much like their father, but they are happy and healthy. For now, I need to rest. Then I will reconcile what has been broken.

Tuesday, February 5


I do my best to put my mind to work elsewhere, but everything I do reminds me of you. I'm haunted by memories, shadows, sounds. It's as if I can still feel your arms around me at night and your lips on mine. This is almost too much to bear. I wish you would come back to me. Please come back to me.