Friday, January 11

Truth and Trust

Thought my few years in this universe (compared to some obviously), I have learned a few things. One of those things was to make sure I protected my heart from those that would use it to their own ends. I have failed at that again. And again I find myself alone and pregnant. A man who assured me I could trust him has betrayed me. Not only has he betrayed me, but his commanding officer, who swore to help us keep in touch, has betrayed me as well. I have lied to myself for many months hoping it wasn't true, but I cannot live this fantasy any longer.

I know after the twins are born, that will be it. I will make certain that no child will come into this world from my body again.

My time is now occupied with educational pursuits. I am researching the heritage of my family. I know I am descended from mystics and I am searching for more information. There is very little unfortunately, but it occupies my mind. I ask the gods for strength. It's hard to put on such a face when inside, I'm dying.

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