Wednesday, September 19

So this is love....

The full moon reflects on the water as we sit on the terrace. I look over at him. His features are dark, almost mysterious, with secrets hidden beneath his eyes. He rises from his chair and stands in front of me, “Come dance with me.” He holds out his hand to me and I place my small hand into his. He pulls me to my feet and into his embrace. He leads the dance to unheard music, moving me slowly around.

One hand skims up my back to where dress gives way to flesh, tipping my chin up with a finger so my green eyes fix on his, “I love you.”

My soft, red lips curve into a smile and part ever so slightly, “And I love you.”

He lowers his head and brushes his lips across my full, lush mouth. Once. Twice. Three times. My eyes close, long lashes fanning out on my cheeks. He studies my face and murmurs, “Absolutely beautiful.” My eyes open slowly. He smiles down at me, “I cannot begin to describe my joy that you are carrying my children.”

I blush. A common reaction any time he gives me such lovely compliments, “As am I.”

We sway softly in the moonlight, his strong arms holding my body as if I would break. I twine my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. I feel his cheek come to rest on the top of my head. A small shiver of fear goes through my body at the thought of ever losing him, but I push it away and focus on that moment in the moonlight where we simply just belong to each other. A feeling of complete and utter contentment sweeps over me. We are so perfectly matched in our imperfect natures.

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